The Maze Runner Wiki


Group A[]

Group A consisted of the Gladers. Group A was composed almost entirely of boys, with Teresa being the only girl. It was said that the Group A boys were named after scientific figures. The leaders were Alby and Newt (Second-in-Command) when Thomas arrived. Each member of Group A appeared to match up to be an equivalent for Group B, and the experiences of the two groups in the Maze appeared to have been extremely similar.

Members of Group A:[]

Group B[]

Group B was the second group who participated in the Trials. The Gladers only discovered this when they met Aris Jones at the beginning of The Scorch Trials. Group B was composed almost entirely of girls, with Aris being the only boy. It was said that the Group B girls were named after religious figures. The leaders were Harriet and Sonya until Teresa arrived. Each member of Group B appeared to match up to one of the Gladers, and the experiences of the two groups in the Maze appeared to have been extremely similar. One major difference was that Rachel was killed by Gally's equivalent in Group B, but in the Glade, Chuck jumped in the way of the knife when Thomas should have been killed. They escaped from the Maze three days faster and lost less members than the Gladers, which the girls appeared to be proud of; showing that they were fairly capable.

Before Group B began the Scorch Trials, they were told by Janson that they must kill Thomas if they wished to receive the Cure when they arrived at the Safe Haven. They were allowed to travel through underground tunnels through the Scorch, while the Gladers were forced to travel overland in the burning sun. After they ambushed the Gladers, took Thomas, and dragged him up into the mountain pass, but Thomas convinced them not to kill him. Group B and the Gladers met up at the Safe Haven, and they fought together against the Bulb Monsters.

Members of Group B:[]


Members of WICKED:[]

Post-Scorch Group:[]

Halloween WICKED

World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department, generally abbreviated to WICKED (WCKD in the Film-Universe), was an organization originally formed to find a Cure for the Flare. After the Sun Flares, the remaining governments of the world combined their resources to set this organization up, for the world was in desperate need for a cure. For the purpose of experimenting, they selected roughly a hundred teenagers, including Immunes and control subjects. They passed them through the Trials, such as the Maze and the Scorch, which involved various variables which were designed to stimulate the Killzone of the brain so they could record specific patterns. They planned to use these Killzone patterns to discover why these subjects brains were able to fight off the Flare, hopefully allowing them to produce a cure. Thomas, Teresa, Aris, and Rachel were all WICKED Members who went through the trials.

Throughout the series, Teresa and Ava Paige frequently mentioned that "WICKED is good", because saving the human race was worth the sacrifice of a few members of it. However, WICKED eventually strayed from this goal when they failed to obtain a cure for the Flare and embark on dangerous activities (depleting the Immunes) to keep their organization alive. Thus, Teresa turned against WICKED, and Ava Paige was among the few remaining members of WICKED who opposed the idea of repeating the Trials (which would sabotage the last remaining hope for the human race).

WICKED's ultimate fate was unknown, although it was safe to assume that WICKED was discontinued due to the invasion by the Right Arm and the final e-mail by Ava Paige during The Death Cure.


Known chancellors[]

Known members[]


Crank Palace[]

Crank Palace[]

TBA (To be added)

